Montessori Sensorial Materials - Long Red Rods

Posted by Tyler 17/05/2016 0 Comment(s)


Long Red Rods ten solid wooden rods are constant in height and width (2.5 cm), while increasing in length in equal units from 10 cm (short) to 1 meter (long)



2.5 - 5 years


  • Provide the child with a concept of "big" and "small."

  • Understanding of mathematical concepts in the decimal system, geometry, and volume

  • Coordination of movement

  • Perfection of hand movements

  • Preparation for mathematics



Show the child how to carry each rod to the mat one by one by holding each rod at the top with one hand and at the bottom with the other, this will give the child a muscular impression of length. (Note: they should hold the rods upright so that they do not bump into other children.) The rods are randomly placed on the mat.



Show the child how to build the rods starting with the shortest rod. Align the rod with the edge of the mat. Using your middle and index finger lightly trace along the entire length of the rod.

Find the next longest rod. Bring it into position next to and above the previous rod and trace along its length again. Proceed with all the rods in this way until the stair is entirely built.

Pause and admire the stair and then mix up the rods and invite the child to try.

Should you see the child struggling, mix the rods up but align the mixed up rods along the edge of the mat.

Once the child has successfully built the stair, show him how to fit the shortest rod into each successive stair.



large, small

large, larger, largest

small, smaller, smallest

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